
What / Why?


Like <input type="range">, manipulates a number with optional conversions.

const s = {
  value1: 40,
  value2: 50,
  value3: 80,
  value4: 60,
  value5: 65,
  angleRad: Math.PI * 0.25,

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'value1', 0, 100);     // 0 to 100
gui.add(s, 'value2', 0, 100, 1);  // 0 to 100 by in steps of 1
gui.add(s, 'value3', 0, 100, 5);  // 0 to 100 by steps of 5
GUI.makeMinMaxPair(gui, s, 'value4', 'value5', {
  min: 0, max: 100, minRange: 5,

const degToRad = d => d * Math.PI / 180;
const radToDeg = r => r * 180 / Math.PI;

gui.add(s, 'angleRad', {
  min: -360, max: 360, step: 1, 
  converters: {
    to: radToDeg,
    from: v => [true, degToRad(v)]},


Like <select>, lets you pick one of many options.

const s = {
  byIndex: 2,
  byString: 'dog',
  byKeyValue: 0.5,
  byKVArray: 2,

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'byIndex', ['apple', 'banana', 'cumquat']);
gui.add(s, 'byString', ['bird', 'cat', 'dog']);
gui.add(s, 'byKeyValue', [['Slow', 0.1], ['Medium', 0.5], ['Fast', 1.0]]);
gui.add(s, 'byKVArray', {keyValues: {'Loafers': 0, 'Sandals': 1, 'Sneakers': 2}});


Sets a boolean

const s = {
  on: true,

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'on');


Select a color in various formats

const s = {
  byHashHex6: '#569AEF',
  byHex6: 'EF569A',
  byHashHex3: '#F88',
  byHex3: '8F8',
  byCSSRgb: 'rgb(170,68,240)',
  byCSSHsl: 'hsl(170,100%,50%)',
  byUint24: 0xFEA956,
  byUint8: [255, 192, 255],
  byUint8Array: new Uint8Array([75, 150, 225]),
  byFloat32Array: new Float32Array([0.9, 0.7, 0.5]),
  byNumberArray: [0.2, 0.9, 0.5],
  byRGBObject: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 1},
  byHashHex8: '#5438a180',
  byUint32: 0xEF569A80,
  byCSSRgba: 'rgba(64, 128, 255, 0.25)',
  byCSSHslAlpha: 'hsl(180 100% 50% / 0.75)',

const gui = new GUI();
gui.addColor(s, 'byHashHex6');
gui.addColor(s, 'byHex6');
gui.addColor(s, 'byHashHex3');
gui.addColor(s, 'byHex3');
gui.addColor(s, 'byCSSRgb');
gui.addColor(s, 'byCSSHsl');
gui.addColor(s, 'byUint24', {format: 'uint32-rgb'});
gui.addColor(s, 'byUint8', {format: 'uint8-rgb'});
gui.addColor(s, 'byUint8Array');
gui.addColor(s, 'byFloat32Array');
gui.addColor(s, 'byNumberArray');
gui.addColor(s, 'byRGBObject');
gui.addLabel('with alpha');
gui.addColor(s, 'byHashHex8');
gui.addColor(s, 'byUint32', {format: 'uint32-rgba'});
gui.addColor(s, 'byCSSRgba');
gui.addColor(s, 'byCSSHslAlpha');


Lets you draw something

const waveData = new Array(100).fill(0);
const waveData2 = new Array(100).fill(0);

const gui = new GUI();
    min: -2,
    max: +2,
    interval: 200,
  gui.addCanvas('wave 2').canvas, 
    min: -2,
    max: +2,
    interval: 10,

Returning just a canvas means you can use whatever API you want (2d, WebGL, WebGPU)

const hsl = (h, s, l) =>
  `hsl(${h * 360 | 0}, ${s * 100}%, ${l * 100 | 0}%)`;
const gui = new GUI();
const canvas = gui.addCanvas('funky').canvas;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function render(t) {
  t *= 0.0001;
  canvas.width = canvas.width;
  ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2);
  const size = Math.max(canvas.width, canvas.height);
  for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    ctx.fillStyle = hsl(i / 48 + t * 0.2, 1, i % 2 ? 0.5 : 0.25);
    ctx.fillRect(-size, -size, size * 2, size * 2);
    ctx.scale(0.8, 0.8);
    ctx.rotate(Math.sin(t * 3 + i * 0.1) * 0.2);

And you can use whatever Library (three.js, babylon.js, pixi.js) you want.

// three.js example

import {model} from '/examples/js/model.js';

const gui = new GUI();
const s = model(gui.addCanvas('model').canvas);
gui.addColor(s.material, 'color');
gui.add(s.material, 'shininess', 0, 300);
gui.addColor(s.light, 'color').name('light');
gui.add(s.light, 'intensity', 0, 5, 0.01);
gui.add(, 'fov', 1, 179);


Like <button type="button">, calls a function

function doIt() { log('doIt'); }
function doThat() { log('doThat'); }

const s = {
  clickMe() { log("clicked"); },
  clickMeToo: () => { log("clicked too"); },
  doSomething: doThat,

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'clickMe');
gui.add(s, 'clickMeToo');
gui.add(s, 'doIt');
gui.add(s, 'doSomething');
gui.addButton('easy', _ => log('e-z'));


Displays text. Can be used to label sections or to display info

const gui = new GUI();
const output = gui.addLabel('');

setInterval(() => {
  const secs = new Date().getSeconds();
  const s = secs.toString().padStart(2, '0');
}, 1000);

A small utility to monitor a value

const s = {
  frameCount: 0,
  stats: {
    mode: 'searching',
    speed: 12,

const gui = new GUI();
helpers.monitor(gui.addLabel('Seconds:'), s, 'frameCount');
helpers.monitor(gui.addLabel('Status:'), s, 'stats');


Like <input type="text">, manipulates a string.

const s = {
  name: "Sandy",

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'name');


Like <input type="number">, manipulates a number via text editing with optional conversions.

const s = {
  value: 123,
  angleDeg: 45,
  angleRad: Math.PI,

const degToRad = d => d * Math.PI / 180;
const radToDeg = r => r * 180 / Math.PI;

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(new TextNumber(s, 'value'));
gui.add(new TextNumber(s, 'angleRad', {
  converters: {
    to: radToDeg, 
    from: v => [true, degToRad(v)]},
    step: 1,
gui.add(new TextNumber(s, 'angleDeg', {
  converters: {
    to: degToRad, 
    from: v => [true, radToDeg(v)]},
    step: 0.001,

Respond to changes:

Get called when the user changes a value.

const s = {
  count: 123,
  name: 'Buffy',
  speed: 45,

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'count').onChange(logCount);
gui.add(s, 'name').onChange(logName);
gui.add(s, 'speed', 0, 100).onChange(logSpeed);
gui.onChange(logAll);  // or folder

function logCount(v) { log('count:', v); }
function logName(v) { log('name:', v); }
function logSpeed(v) { log('speed:', v); }
function logAll() { log(JSON.stringify(s)); }


Listens for changes. (auto update)

const s = {
  amount: 5,
  name: 'Jim',
  pet: 'cat',

function randomize() {
  s.amount = Math.random() * 50; = randElem(['Jane', 'Lee', 'Anne']); = randElem(pets);

const pets = ['cat', 'dog', 'bird'];
const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'amount', 0, 50).listen();
gui.add(s, 'name').listen();
gui.add(s, 'pet', pets).listen();
gui.add(s, 'randomize');


Updates the UI from current value(s).

const s = {
  amount: 5,
  name: 'Jim',
  pet: 'cat',

function randomize() {
  s.amount = Math.random() * 50; = randElem(['Jane', 'Lee', 'Anne']); = randElem(pets);

const pets = ['cat', 'dog', 'bird'];
const gui = new GUI();
const a = gui.add(s, 'amount', 0, 50);
const n = gui.add(s, 'name');
const p = gui.add(s, 'pet', pets);
gui.addButton('randomize', randomize);
gui.addButton('update amount', _ => a.updateDisplay());
gui.addButton('update name', _ => n.updateDisplay());
gui.addButton('update pet', _ => p.updateDisplay());
gui.addButton('update all', _ => gui.updateDisplay());


A way to make collapsable sections.

const position = {
  x: 5,
  y: 20,
  z: -15,
const rotation = {
  x: 45,
  y: 90,
  z: -15,

const gui = new GUI();
const p = gui.addFolder('position');
p.add(position, 'x', -100, 100);
p.add(position, 'y', -100, 100);
p.add(position, 'z', -100, 100);
const r = gui.addFolder('rotation');
r.add(rotation, 'x', -100, 100);
r.add(rotation, 'y', -100, 100);
r.add(rotation, 'z', -100, 100);

Float Theme:

Useful when you want the UI over something

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(settings, 'period1', 0.1, 20);
gui.add(settings, 'period2', 0.1, 20);
gui.add(settings, 'p1', 0.1, 20);
gui.add(settings, 'p2', 0.1, 20);
gui.add(settings, 'heightMult', 1, 10);
gui.addColor(settings, 'baseColor');

Form Theme:

const s = {
  name: "Jane Cheng",
  address1: "B 1, No. 5, Xuzhou R",
  address2: "Taipei 100218",
  email: "jane_c@notreally.notcom",
  receipt: true,
  currency: '$',

const gui = new GUI();
gui.add(s, 'name');
gui.add(s, 'address1');
gui.add(s, 'address2');
gui.add(s, 'email');
gui.add(s, 'receipt');
  s, 'currency',
  ['$', '¥', '€', '£', '₣']);
gui.addButton('submit', submit);

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